Saturday, June 20, 2009

And Baby Makes Five!

We recently found out that we will be adding a fifth member to the Rushing family. I am almost 8 weeks pregnant so we are expecting baby Rushing to make his/her arrival around the end of January or beginning of February. I have been waiting anxiously to make sure that we had a heartbeat and to get pictures of the baby to post it on the blog and tell everyone. One would think that I would remember after the previous two babies that the first ultrasound pictures reveal nothing more than a small peanut-shaped object inside of a black hole. What I also forgot is that how much seeing that small peanut-shaped object and watching its tiny little heart beating would melt my heart. We are so excited to welcome the new baby to our family and hopefully I will be able to make the time to keep everyone posted about the happenings with baby.


Lisa said...

Congratulations! Cara and I went to lunch with Shelly on Thursday and she told us the great news. I hope you're feeling okay. You'll definitely have to join us for our next lunch date.

mimi said...

congratulations! we're sooooo excited for you. keep us posted!
aunt mimi

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

COngrats on number three... how exciting... and so glad everything is going well for you guys... keep us udpated on everything and we of course will be anxiously awaiting his/or hers arrival in Jan/Feb.

Jeremy Becker said...

Congratulations! Praise God for His abundant blessings and provisions.