Ashlyn has begun the stage of wanting to dress herself. For the most part, we just let her pick out her pajamas. But tonight she was going to the babysitting co-op at the church so that Ken and I could go on our date night. She wanted to pick her own clothes out so here is what she looked like. I had to get a picture because she is just so stinking cute. She was so proud of her outfit.
Kenley has begun the stage of sucking her fingers. I am now convinced that there is a genetic factor to finger and thumb sucking because we have now worked very hard on two kids to get them to take pacifiers and it didn't work with either one. Ashlyn sucks her thumb and Kenley has opted for the first two fingers on her left hand. And she holds her fingers in her mouth by shoving her right hand over her left to make sure they don't fall out. Quite amusing.
And now...the latest "Ashlynism"...her little neighbor friend was over this afternoon for a few minutes while we were getting ready to go. They were upstairs playing in the game room and having normal 3 year old conversation. Insuring Jacob's safety while at our house Ashlyn told him, "Now Jacob, you know that if you cut your spleen open, then you will die." While laughing out loud, I thought to myself, "You have got to be kidding two year old just used the word spleen....properly. What in the world!?" She is absolutely adorable.
They are both so cute! Pat yourself on the back for allowing her to pick out her own clothes when she wanted to. And her smile says it all--she's so proud of herself. Kenley looks like she just said a bad word and put her hands over her mouth. You could make a balloon over the picture and type in "uh-oh". I love these pictures. Kenley looks like a china doll.
Aunt Mimi
Way to go for letting her dress herself! She looks ADORABLE! She has got a perfect, almost-3-years-old style. And wittle Kenwee, you make sure your right hand doesn't let your left hand fall out of that mouth! That is soo stinking cute!
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